Douglas is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Malawi. He holds a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) with University of Manchester, a Bachelor of Accountancy from the University of Malawi (The Polytechnic) and possesses the Mini Certificate in Risk Management (Real World Risk Institute) run by the highly regarded scholar, options trader and risk engineer, Nicholas Nassim Taleb), Chartered Retail Banker (Honorary) certificate and Credit Academy Certificate (Financial Times & Moody’s).
Douglas brings on board 3 decades of leadership and business experience – with deep and varied exposure at Business Head, CE and Board levels across multiple businesses (commercial banking, leasing and asset finance, accounting, and finance – Standard Bank Group; low income, impact financial services, including data analytics, agency banking and digital financial services– Pinnacle Financial Services Limited and FINCA Zambia; and audit – Coopers & Lybrand)