Cyclone Freddy

Trials and tribulations unmask your truest friends because it is in difficult times that you know your closest friends. Cyclone Freddy caused a lot of devastation in Malawi and left a lot of families destitute. Pinnacle Financial Services being a good corporate citizen decided to support the community that they are a part of.

PFS donated K500 000 worth of assorted items to Red Cross Malawi for distribution to Cyclone Freddy victims. The items include cooking oil, sugar, soya pieces, salt, candles, plates, cups, matches, laundry and luxury soap, water buckets and mats.

During the presentation of the items in Blantyre, Ethel Nthara who is the SME manager, said PFS felt obliged to contribute towards assisting the victims of the storm.

"We are heavily touched by the challenges the victims are facing after the disastrous storm. We also know that some of the victims are our customers or it could be their relatives and they need our support," she said.

Red Cross Malawi communications and resource mobilisation specialist Felix Washoni said the donation will go a long way in alleviating the daily challenges that the victims are facing.

Pinnacle Financial Services is constantly supporting individuals and seeking ways to uplift the lives in the community.

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