"Microfinance has a positive and significant demonstrated effect on income and expenditure. From its inception as an experiment in the outskirts of Chittagong University campus in the village of Jobra, Bangladesh, it has led to substantial gains being realised by individuals. Pinnacle Financial Services believes in uplifting the lives of its customers and community."

I would like to thank Pinnacle Financial Services for allowing me to secure a back to school loan for my child. I was out of options and a friend referred me to PFS and I was immediately helped. Thanks to PFS my daughter was able to attend school, I am deeply grateful for their financial solutions.

Through PFS I was able to obtain a loan that helped finance my lucrative roofing business and they helped immensely improve my operations. The loan helped finance costs for the shipment of my roofing materials and my business has never been the same ever since.

At my job placement acquiring a loan takes forever because it has to go through a lot of approvals and this makes the loans purpose almost unimportant when it is finally approved. But thanks to the solutions offered by PFS, they processed my loan in no time and this helped me achieve what I needed at the time.